Mara Realty

Contact: Mara Tomic-Bobas
Work 116 South Bridge Street PO Box 234 Dimondale MI 48821 United StatesWork Phone: 517.235.7075Cell Phone: 517.410.8064Website: Mara Realty


We help with buying, selling and managing properties. When you’re interested, planning or thinking about a new home, choose someone local with honesty and integrity. Choose Mara Realty

Vision Statement

The Vision of the Dimondale Business Association is: To create an atmosphere in Downtown Dimondale which attracts residents and visitors to explore, enjoy, and ultimately shop at our stores.

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Dimondale Business Association is: To pool our members’ experience, knowledge, and resources as we strive to sustain a vital business climate, promote positive economic growth and benefit the community as a whole.